[香港] 他約我去見牟尼 - 釋迦牟尼樂園主題曲


[轉載/Youtube] 早前迪士尼公司發律師信給謎米香港,要求它們將報導「香港釋迦牟尼樂園宣傳片」的新聞­報導下架,引起公眾嘩然。填詞人山卡啦改歌諷刺事件,並將網民改圖的佛教卡通人物戴上­口罩同浴帽,遮去它們臉部特徵,以示對迪士尼濫用版權,不尊重二次創作之不滿。


翻譯:Laurent Chan

普照苦無依 看佛法無邊
鴨面老衲長駐 隨時隨地相見

快活過神仙 老衲與大師
有沒有入場券 逃離塵俗一遍

看白雪 氣定神閒落髮去三千意亂
那七友 也在喃嘸被剃光 將袈裟試穿

香港有日會起 釋迦與牟尼 公園中禮佛而善信高興
坐咖啡杯今生記憶重新的細味 陰間仙界似就快死
當親子舍利製起 煙火裡你在弘揚佛法師姑有米妮
施主穿過五指地 維尼佛坐著有火氣

說佛理 老衲和胡迪會唱出天與地
那方丈 卻用條文限制死 官司想發起

香港哪日會起 釋迦與牟尼 高登可創造傳佛法希冀
米老鼠比釋迦那邊著袈裟老衲 不可使你快樂笑死
當親子舍利製起 煙火裡你在弘揚佛法師姑有米妮
施主穿過五指地 維尼佛坐著有火氣

釋迦惹是與非 官司要顧忌 皆因方丈極仇視與小器
見阿拉丁高僧卻不可敲經禮佛 巴打激憤與及痛悲
根本想要二創死 這方丈會用錢財律法死守那米奇
釋迦之旅正準備 和路用法律告死你


《Our date at Buddhaland》
Translated by:Laurent Chan

Spreading Buddha's words, till the end of Earth
Donald Monk is here, you can see him anytime

Monks and masters live happily since then
Are there ways I can escape from secular lives?

See Snow White, calmly accepts the fate she would soon be a nun,
Seven Dwarfs, they will totally be shaved, Buddhist clothes they'll wear

One day there will be Buddhaland;
Buddhist worshippers are more than happy
Coffee cup rides allow you have a taste of
what you had, and what will you be
Fireworks shows are great
And you are spreading Buddha's words and there she comes, Minnie
Bumpy rides through the zen palms
Winnie Buddha's getting angry

Buddha's words – spreading them through lyrics are more than lovely
So stingy, Disney accuses with law, ban creativity!

Some day there will be Buddhaland;
HKGolden bros shows their imagination
Mickey Mouse's wearing Buddhist cassock:
it is more hilarious than Hillary
Fireworks shows are great
And you are spreading Buddha's words and there she comes, Minnie
Bumpy rides through the zen palms
Winnie Buddha's getting angry

Buddha's in trouble now, Disney's not happy;
Using lawsuit to bind creativity
Why bother to ban Dis-monastery?
HKGolden bros are so aggrieved
'Ban derivative works'
That's the final goal of that stingy Disney
Buddha's now become very angry
Yet Disney won't drop it, trust me!

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